
An incredibly effective
remedial therapy tool
Bowen (The Bowen Technique, Bowen Fascial Release Technique or Bowen Therapy) has been a huge passion of mine, ever since I came across it in 1996. The treatment I received was so powerful and effective that it lead me to want to enquire further. As well as being so useful, the treatment carries very few, if any, contra indications; it is a treatment that is appropriate for everyone.
A gentle hands-on form of bodywork, with no manipulation of hard tissue or force applied, Bowen has a very successful record of helping people presenting with a wide range of issues on many levels and is not restricted to just structural imbalance.
Receiving treatment like this makes it kind to those who are sensitive to pressure.
Because it involves light pressure, clients find the work deeply relaxing. ​Hundreds of people each year use Bowen to change aspects of their health.
Bowen Therapy is a recognised hands-on complementary therapy, which many turn to for significant relief from aches and pains and to address long-standing issues, where clients report that ‘they have tried everything else’.
During a treatment, the Bowen moves are applied to the body with very gentle pressure of either the thumbs or fingers. Together with deliberate pauses within the treatment process, Bowen allows the body’s own innate healing response to become part of the treatment process.
Rather than focusing on a single complaint, Bowen is holistic therapy approach; it addresses the entire body. This is especially important in long standing conditions, where there may be patterns of dysfunction that are affecting multiple body systems.
Bowen can be used to treat clients from the very young (even newborn babies) through to very elderly people, and even during the stages of palliative care.
Bowen Therapy is known to help people with the following symptoms, to name but a few:
Muscular-skeletal ailments and injuries
Hormonal changes and menopausal symptoms
Decreasing energy levels
TMJ function and /or jaw and dental pain
Minor injuries, such as sprains and strains
Poor sleep patterns and sleep related breathing disorders
Asthma or Hayfever
Chronic pain or illness
Restless babies and babies with colic
Aches, pains or injuries from sports or exercise
Stress related symptoms including anxiety and emotional health
This list is not exhaustive. Because Bowen is used to help your body remedy it's own ailments, it would be impossible to state all presenting symptoms that could potentially respond well to treatment.
With Bowen, you can experience a treatment that is designed to help you quickly overcome the challenges of varying stressors. Many clients come for treatment initially as they have a pain or complaint that they would like to be rid of. But most choose to continue to receive treatment to maintain and build upon good health.
What’s more, clients who have had Bowen previously for their various health complaints, find having a regular treatment – maybe monthly to two monthly – not only keeps them in good health but helps support them towards even better health.

I feel passionately about treating babies and children.
It really is wonderful to see how generationally our culture is shifting so that more parents are bringing their children for regular treatments so that they can grow feeling healthier and at ease in their bodies.

Thomas Ambrose Bowen (1916 - 1982)
Tom Bowen of Geelong, Australia was a quiet, reserved and enigmatic man with an uncanny gift for healing by way of physical treatment. He started treating people whilst working by day as a manual labourer at Geelong Cement works. His time eventually was overrun with people wanting his help.
“We offer the work to the body and the body will respond as it’s able”
- Tom Bowen
By the mid 1970’s, Tom’s reputation spread and his clinical skills known now as ‘Bowen Therapy’ were in great demand. In 1975, Tom was treating an astounding 13,000 people per year.
He chose not to claim or copyright any of his work, but allowed 6 people to study alongside him. It was his hope that his technique (not known as ‘Bowen’ back then) would grow and spread around the world. Tom never saw his work as a finite modality. but rather as a work in progress.
“Jihan was recommended to me some years ago and I’ve never looked back. The effectiveness of the technique and results it has produced has far outweighed any other treatment I have received. Jihan has a very professional approach, and is very knowledgeable on the subject area. With the technique being non-invasive and gentle, this all contributes to make this a very relaxing and enjoyable experience, whilst achieving fantastic results.” Steve Fleming